Elitsa Petrova
E-mail: elitsasd@abv.bg
Elitsa Petrova is a Professor, PhD, DSc. at the Logistics and Management Department, Logistics and Technologies Faculty, the Vasil Levski National Military University, Bulgaria, LEAR representative for Horizon, Erasmus+ departmental coordinator. Her research interests are in Management, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Security and Defense Management. She is the author of 3 own monographs, co-author of 5 monographs, 15 published textbooks, over 150 articles in our and foreign magazines. Her scientific works have been cited in more than 200 scientific publications, including monographs, books, textbooks, dissertations, scientific articles and reports.
pp. 146-165
The object of the present scientific study is the problem of power and influence, authority and respect, which complement or oppose each other as practical aspects of human life. The article emphasizes both their destructive and creative force and emphasizes the dilemma of which we have the right to use – the monopoly right to subjugate or the ability to attract, inspire and persuade others. The scientific methodology used is a combination of an etymological review of the considered phenomena of power, influence, authority and respect, a content analysis of the nature and concepts of the considered phenomena, a brief historical review, a meta-analysis of primary scientific data combined with a critical scientific review, and presentation of the latest scientific findings on the practices for using power, influence, authority and respect in human societies management. As a scientific result, statements and concepts of the considered phenomena from ancient times to the present have been derived and systematized, positive and negative effects accompanying the four mentioned phenomena in the social life of people and its management have been indicated.
power, influence, authority, respect.
Петрова, Е. (Декември 2024). Власт, влияние, авторитет и уважение – монополното право да подчиняваш или силата да вдъхновяваш и убеждаваш. Сигурност и отбрана(2), 146-165. // Petrova, E. (Dekemvri 2024). Vlast, vliyanie, avtoritet i uvazhenie – monopolnoto pravo da podchinyavash ili silata da vduhnovyavash i ubezhdavas. Sigurnost i otbrana(2), 146-165. https://doi.org/10.70265/HMQZ7778
Петрова, Елица. „Власт, влияние, авторитет и уважение – монополното право да подчиняваш или силата да вдъхновяваш и убеждаваш.“ Сигурност и отбрана (Издателски комплекс на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“), № 2 (Декември 2024): 146-165. // Petrova, Elitsa. „Vlast, vliyanie, avtoritet i uvazhenie – monopolnoto pravo da podchinyavash ili silata da vduhnovyavash i ubezhdavas.“ Sigurnost i otbrana (Izdatelski kompleks na Natsionalen voenen universitet „Vasil Levski“), № 2 (Dekemvri 2024): 146-165. https://doi.org/10.70265/HMQZ7778
Петрова, Е., 2024. Власт, влияние, авторитет и уважение – монополното право да подчиняваш или силата да вдъхновяваш и убеждаваш. Сигурност и отбрана, Декември, Брой 2, с. 146-165. // Petrova, E., 2024. Vlast, vliyanie, avtoritet i uvazhenie – monopolnoto pravo da podchinyavash ili silata da vduhnovyavash i ubezhdavas. Sigurnost i otbrana, Dekemvri, Broy 2, s. 146-165. https://doi.org/10.70265/HMQZ7778
Петрова, Елица. „Власт, влияние, авторитет и уважение – монополното право да подчиняваш или силата да вдъхновяваш и убеждаваш.“ Сигурност и отбрана 2 (2024): 146-165. // Petrova, Elitsa. „Vlast, vliyanie, avtoritet i uvazhenie – monopolnoto pravo da podchinyavash ili silata da vduhnovyavash i ubezhdavas.“ Sigurnost i otbrana 2 (2024): 146-165. https://doi.org/10.70265/HMQZ7778.