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“Stockholm+50” and the Need for Modern Culture


Vesselin Madanski


Vesselin Madanski is a professor, doctor of sciences, colonel (retired) in the Department of “Language Training and Physical Training” at the Vasil Levski National Military University in Veliko Tarnovo. His research interests are in the field of security and defense, education theory and management, and life safety.

Страници от броя

pp. 119-140


In the article, through a scientific analysis of the complex of risks and threats to humanity, identified in the documents of the United Nations Conferences on the Human Environment and the Earth (1972-2022) their transformation into Goals and tasks for sustainable development during these 50 years is traced. With the force of an imperative, the research has brought out the need to form a modern culture in the aspects of sustainable development, which will serve to transform people's worldview, as a necessary prerequisite for achieving a sustainable existence.

Ключови думи

complex of risks and threats, Goals for sustainable development, modern culture.

APA standard citation:

Мадански, В. (Юни 2024). „СТОКХОЛМ+50“ и необходимостта от съвременна култура. Сигурност и отбрана(1), 119-133. // Madanski, V. (Yuni 2024). "STOKHOLM+50" i neobhodimostta ot savremenna kultura. Sigurnost i otbrana(1), 119-133.

Chicago standard citation:

Мадански, Веселин. „СТОКХОЛМ+50“ и необходимостта от съвременна култура.“ Сигурност и отбрана (Издателски комплекс на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“), № 1 (Юни 2024): 119-133. // Madanski, Vesselin. „STOKHOLM+50“ i neobhodimostta ot savremenna kultura.“ Sigurnost i otbrana (Izdatelski kompleks na Natsionalen voenen universitet „Vasil Levski“), № 1 (Yuni 2024): 119-133.

Harvard-Anglia standard citation:

Мадански, В., 2024. „СТОКХОЛМ+50“ и необходимостта от съвременна култура. Сигурност и отбрана, Юни, Брой 1, с. 119-133. // Madanski, V., 2024. "STOKHOLM+50" i neobhodimostta ot savremenna kultura. Sigurnost i otbrana, Yuni, Broy 1, s. 119-133.

MLA standard citation:

Мадански, Веселин. „СТОКХОЛМ+50“ и необходимостта от съвременна култура.“ Сигурност и отбрана 1 (2024): 119-133. <>. // Madanski, Vesselin. „STOKHOLM+50“ i neobhodimostta ot savremenna kultura.“ Sigurnost i otbrana 1 (2024): 119-133.

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