Kostadin Bobev
E-mail: k.bobev@abv.bg
Kostadin Bobev is a Prof. Dr. Jur. Sc. He worked at the Research Institute of Forensic Sciences for more than 42 years, of which 35 years he was the director of the institute. He is the author of 10 monographs and over 150 scientific studies and articles. He is currently teaching Criminalistics and Judicial Expertises at South-West University "Neofit Rilski".
pp. 163-174
Investigative and forensic actions depend to a large extent on the speed and efficiency of the processes related to the collection and examination of physical evidence and evidence. Modern technologies for the application of computer automated systems are successfully implemented in the work of the police, the prosecutor's office and the court for the identification of persons and objects that left traces at the scene of accidents. The article examines three systems that fully correspond to the European and world standards for international systems ensuring security and cooperation in the investigation of serious and cross-border crimes. For two decades now, the advantages of automated systems for the identification of persons by fingerprints, for the biological identification of persons by DNA profiles, and for the identification of firearms by marks on fired casings and bullets have been successfully realized.
criminal investigation, identification of persons and objects, automated systems, fingerprint database, DNA profiles and spent casings and bullets.
Бобев, К. (Декември 2023). Автоматизирани системи за идентифициране на лица и предмети при разследване на тежки престъпления. Сигурност и отбрана(2), 163-174. https://institute.nvu.bg/sites/default/files/inline-files/2023-2-12-bobev.pdf // Bobev, K. (Dekemvri 2023). Avtomatizirani sistemi za identifitsirane na litsa i predmeti pri razsledvane na tezhki prestapleniya. Sigurnost i otbrana(2), 163-174. https://doi.org/10.70265/CEZU9150
Бобев, Костадин. „Автоматизирани системи за идентифициране на лица и предмети при разследване на тежки престъпления.“ Сигурност и отбрана (Издателски комплекс на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“), № 2 (Декември 2023): 163-174. // Bobev, Kostadin. „Avtomatizirani sistemi za identifitsirane na litsa i predmeti pri razsledvane na tezhki prestapleniya.“ Sigurnost i otbrana (Izdatelski kompleks na Natsionalen voenen universitet „Vasil Levski“), № 2 (Dekemvri 2023): 163-174. https://doi.org/10.70265/CEZU9150
Бобев, К., 2023. Автоматизирани системи за идентифициране на лица и предмети при разследване на тежки престъпления. Сигурност и отбрана, Декември, Брой 2, с. 163-174. // Bobev, K., 2023. Avtomatizirani sistemi za identifitsirane na litsa i predmeti pri razsledvane na tezhki prestapleniya. Sigurnost i otbrana, Dekemvri, Broy 2, s. 163-174. https://doi.org/10.70265/CEZU9150
Бобев, Костадин. „Автоматизирани системи за идентифициране на лица и предмети при разследване на тежки престъпления.“ Сигурност и отбрана 2 (2023): 163-174. <https://institute.nvu.bg/sites/default/files/inline-files/2023-2-12-bobev.pdf>. // Bobev, Kostadin. „Avtomatizirani sistemi za identifitsirane na litsa i predmeti pri razsledvane na tezhki prestapleniya.“ Sigurnost i otbrana 2 (2023): 163-174. https://doi.org/10.70265/CEZU9150.