Tsveta Markova
E-mail: tz.markova@gmail.com
Tsveta Markova is an associate professor of law at the Faculty of Law of VTU "St. Cyril and Methodius", PhD in the field of intangible production and PhD in National Security at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies, Head of the National Security Department at the Faculty of Philosophy at VTU "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Veliko Tarnovo. Her scientific interests are in the field of protection of classified information and personal data.
pp. 137-147
In the conditions of real hostilities, in which the economy of the whole of Europe, as well as of each country individually, is being tested in the context of the post-covid situation, when the provision of military aid to belligerent countries becomes a daily routine, with more and more questions regarding the application of industrial security standards are of great practical value. Industrial security represents the emanation of all types of security: physical, documentary, personal, cryptographic, security of automated information systems and networks, which forms the legal framework for the participation of companies from the military-industrial complex in the Republic of Bulgaria, both in NATO tenders and on a bilateral basis with other countries with which Republic of Bulgaria has concluded agreements for mutual exchange and protection of classified information. If in the pre-war period and within the European Union there were trends of easing the rules and procedures, now in practice every delivery or service should guarantee national security and state sovereignty to the maximum extent.
economic security, industrial security, types of security, military-industrial complex.
Маркова, Ц. (Декември 2023). Икономическата сигурност в контекста на индустриална сигурност. Сигурност и отбрана(2), 137-147. https://institute.nvu.bg/sites/default/files/inline-files/2023-2-10-markova.pdf // Markova, Ts. (Dekemvri 2023). Ikonomicheskata sigurnost v konteksta na industrialna sigurnost. Sigurnost i otbrana(2), 137-147. https://institute.nvu.bg/sites/default/files/inline-files/2023-2-10-markova.pdf
Маркова, Цвета. „Икономическата сигурност в контекста на индустриална сигурност.“ Сигурност и отбрана (Издателски комплекс на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“), № 2 (Декември 2023): 137-147. // Markova, Tsveta. „Ikonomicheskata sigurnost v konteksta na industrialna sigurnost.“ Sigurnost i otbrana (Izdatelski kompleks na Natsionalen voenen universitet „Vasil Levski“), № 2 (Dekemvri 2023): 137-147.
Маркова, Ц., 2023. Икономическата сигурност в контекста на индустриална сигурност. Сигурност и отбрана, Декември, Брой 2, с. 137-147. // Markova, Ts., 2023. Ikonomicheskata sigurnost v konteksta na industrialna sigurnost. Sigurnost i otbrana, Dekemvri, Broy 2, s. 137-147.
Маркова, Цвета. „Икономическата сигурност в контекста на индустриална сигурност.“ Сигурност и отбрана 2 (2023): 137-147. <https://institute.nvu.bg/sites/default/files/inline-files/2023-2-10-markova.pdf>. // Markova, Tsveta. „Ikonomicheskata sigurnost v konteksta na industrialna sigurnost.“ Sigurnost i otbrana 2 (2023): 137-147. <https://institute.nvu.bg/sites/default/files/inline-files/2023-2-10-markova.pdf>.