Andrey Mihaylov
Andrey Mihaylov is a PhD candidate at Rakovsky Military Academy, Sofia. His scientific interests are in the field of strategic assessment and forecasting of political and military risks. In 2021-2022 he was a member of the Defense Committee in the 46th National Assembly, a member of the Special Services Control Committee in the 47th National Assembly. Chairman of the delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in 2022.
pp. 141-151
The change in security protection systems is imminent, but collective defense is a necessity, as Eurobarometer surveys show. What is the way forward to achieve European defense ambitions - probably not starting from a "white sheet" to build an entirely new system, but increasing efforts towards greater capabilities, i.e. focusing them rather than displacing them. It is not justified, in a war on the continent, to create an additional risk of duplication and competition of collective defense systems, i.e. to distort the sought synergy effect and instead of strengthening the security architecture in Europe to achieve a weakening of defense. Europe's security should not be built on duplication of capabilities, but on growth of capabilities.
European army, risk; duplication of capabilities.
Михайлов, А. (Юни 2024). (Не)възможната Европейска армия. Сигурност и отбрана(1), 141-150. // Mihaylov, A. (Yuni 2024). (Ne)vazmozhanta Evropeyska armiya. Sigurnost i otbrana(1), 141-150.
Михайлов, Андрей. „(Не)възможната Европейска армия.“ Сигурност и отбрана (Издателски комплекс на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски“), № 1 (Юни 2024): 141-150. // Mihaylov, Andrey. „(Ne)vazmozhanta Evropeyska armiya.“ Sigurnost i otbrana (Izdatelski kompleks na Natsionalen voenen universitet „Vasil Levski“), № 1 (Yuni 2024): 141-150.
Михайлов, А., 2024. (Не)възможната Европейска армия. Сигурност и отбрана, Юни, Брой 1, с. 141-150. // Mihaylov, A., 2024. (Ne)vazmozhanta Evropeyska armiya. Sigurnost i otbrana, Yuni, Broy 1, s. 141-150.
Михайлов, Андрей. „(Не)възможната Европейска армия.“ Сигурност и отбрана 1 (2024): 141-150. <>. // Mihaylov, Andrey. „(Ne)vazmozhanta Evropeyska armiya.“ Sigurnost i otbrana 1 (2024): 141-150.